Nutrition for Sport and Exercise

Whatever level of exercise you are undertaking – your body needs the right nutrition so you can:

  • Perform optimally

  • Recover effectively

  • Avoid injury

Getting the right proportion of macronutrients to fuel your body is an essential step in developing any training programme, but consuming sufficient micronutrients to keep your body in tip top condition, should also be a key part of your diet.

Understanding how to achieve the right balance of macro and micronutrients that will support you through your exercise programme will help you get the most out of your training.  This will depend on your own body composition, the sport or exercise you are participating in and what you want to achieve.

It is easy to make mistakes by miscalculating energy requirements, or by following a diet prescribed for someone else.  I can help you develop your own nutrition programme so you can train effectively - and just as importantly - recover effectively from your training.

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